How to Find Us
Postcode: PL20 7BS
View Weir Quay in a larger map
Directions from Bere Alston
Approach the village on the B3257 from Tavistock/Gunnislake/Plymouth, you will pass the village sign and then a 30 MPH sign.
After the 30mph sign Turn Left before reaching the main village signposted Weir Quay.
After about a 1/4 mile go Straight Over at the cross roads.
After about 1/4 mile Turn Left at the T-junction.
Cross over a small railway bridge and immediately Turn Left (signposted Weir Quay).
Follow the road downhill for about 1 1/2 miles and Turn Left at the T-junction.
After about 1/4 mile you will see our gigs in the yard on the Left Hand Side of the lane and the slipway is slightly along the lane on the Right Hand Side.
Contact Us
For general enquiries please email or fill in the form below.
**Please include your contact phone number in your message, in case we can’t reach you via your email!
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